Weekly wanderings…October 1st-7th

Hello there.

It’s starting to look and feel a lot like Fall in New York City. There’s a chill in the air and Trader Joe’s is regularly selling out of any and all pumpkin flavored/spiced/labeled products. I’m gearing up for my 10K next Sunday and finally bought some new running kicks. All in all, life is good. Go ahead and take a look at a few of my wanderings from this past week:

1. Look Ma, I can bake!

Trader Joe's Pumpkin Muffins

Ok so…I cheated a little. My hands-down favorite pumpkin-related product from Trader Joe’s is the easy Pumpkin Bread & Muffin mix. Just add 2 eggs, 1/2 cup of vegetable oil, and 1 cup water to the magical mix and voila! – pumpkin muffins that are not only edible, but seasonally delicious.

2. Don’t get in the way of a Girl and her Bike.

Bike Girl

Just don’t. It will never end well for you. (Taken in Grand Central Terminal)

3. Just Do It.

Nike Flatiron Art

How awesome is this drawing on the wall in the Nike Running Store? I don’t think my feet are that flexible though, even in my brand spanking new Nike Frees. More on that later.

4. The Grapes of Wrath.

Dog and Grapes

I was meandering through the Union Square Greenmarket on Saturday morning and caught this Yeti of a dog sniffing up the grapes. Grapes can be pretty toxic for our canine counterparts so thankfully his owner intervened. Plus, grape juice on that beautiful white coat would just be a major faux pas paw.

5. Nuts.

Squirrel and Acorn

As I was taste-testing some of my greenmarket finds, this little fella scampered past at full speed. I’m just glad he wasn’t stalking me for my food since these creatures no longer harbor any fear of human beings. Unless of course, you try to steal their nuts.

Can’t stop. Won’t stop.

Forever wandering,

– Kristen

Weekly wanderings…October 1st-7th

18 thoughts on “Weekly wanderings…October 1st-7th

  1. I have a mini-version of that huge, loveable dog! They big whity furry dog in your picturr is a Samoyed and I have a Japanese Spitz which was bread down from this dog for it’s size – 25lbs. And don’t worry about his coat getting dirty because the coat cleans itself (yes it is the most AMZAING thing ever).

    1. Hi Cara,

      Thanks for the dog info! This breed is so cute – reminds me of a big, friendly snowball. And good to know about the self-cleaning coat 😉 If only us humans were so lucky.

      – Kristen

    1. Kristen Henkels says:

      Thanks Jim, me too! One of the Nike shoe designers actually drew and painted the entire wall in the Nike Running Store in NYC – apparently his sketch book is filled with more cool images like that.

      Thanks for reading!
      – Kristen

  2. Craig says:

    Hey Kristen, thanks for stopping by my blog. Glad you enjoyed my post about barefoot running. You’ve got a lot of cool stuff on here – I’ll check back often!

  3. Hi Kristen, Many thanks for stopping by my blog! Had a good read through yours this morning and bookmarked for future posts too! Thanks! Reuben

    1. Thanks Lisa! TJ’s is the best (and cheapest) place to get groceries in NYC – I love it. Although it does get SUPER crowded, especially on weekends. I’m glad you enjoyed the post!

      – Kristen

  4. Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your photos!

    I just went to Trader Joe’s for the first time last week.. so amazing. Maybe I’ll try your pumpkin bread/ muffin mix out next time I go. The muffins look delicious.

    Hope your race went well 🙂

    — Emily

  5. Love NYC, love reading about your wanderings around in it. Luckily for me, I live in a small city in Florida (Gainesville) and can cycle on roads, trails, and bike paths just about every day of the year. (Some January days are truly too cold for cycling, but not often.)

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